Copy Without Breaking the Law


It is not at all widely recognised that copying or reusing material from the Internet, even material which is freely exhibited, is normally a breach of the author’s copyright.

In order to allow cost-effective compliance with copyright law, the Copyright Licensing Agency has created a series of digital licences. These allow, in addition to the photocopying and scanning rights included in existing licences, the copying and reuse of electronic and online publications. They also allow limited central storage of extracts and articles, which means that a business with the appropriate licence can now copy an article, whether it originated in print or digital format, and make it available on its company intranet for up to 30 days. 
For more information on the licensing of copyright, see
Contact <<CONTACT DETAILS>> for advice on protecting your intellectual property.
Partner Note
Press release from the Copyright Licensing Agency, 4 April 2008.

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