Five-Figure Damages for Worker Injured by Faulty Machine


A factory worker who badly injured his ankle when a faulty machine suddenly activated has secured compensation from his employer.

The worker was supervising the operation of a concrete press machine. After hearing a noise, he went to investigate and saw that the machine had become jammed. He opened a safety fence to gain access to the machine: he had been told by his employer that this would cause it to stop immediately.

As he was removing blockages from the machine, it suddenly began to operate again. A metal bar swung towards his leg, causing a serious injury to his ankle.

He was taken to hospital, where he was diagnosed with an ankle fracture and associated nerve damage to his foot. He underwent surgery to have bars and a pin inserted into his foot, and also needed rehabilitation.

He brought a claim against his employer. It was established that the machine had been defective and the safety fence had failed to stop it from operating. His employer admitted responsibility for his injuries, and an interim payment was obtained to help pay for the costs of his rehabilitation. His claim was subsequently settled for a five-figure sum, reflecting his ongoing care and rehabilitation needs.

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