Licensees Beware


The Penalties for Disorderly Behaviour (Amount of Penalty) (Amendment) Order 2008 has recently come into effect and allows penalty notices to be issued by a variety of officials, such as trading standards officers and community support officers, as well as the police.
Among the offences for which an £80 penalty notice can be issued are:
  • the sale of tobacco to under-18s;
  • failing to display in retail premises and on vending machines warning notices that it is illegal to sell tobacco products to under-18s;
  • contravening the conditions of a licence;
  • allowing disorderly conduct on licensed premises;
  • the sale of alcohol to a person already drunk;
  • allowing unaccompanied children under 16 on certain premises; and
  • the sale of alcohol to under-18s.
Failure to pay or to attend any resultant court proceedings results in an automatic fine of 150 per cent of the penalty notice. Paying the fine on time means that no criminal conviction is recorded.
Partner Note
Reported by the Institute of Licensing, 14 January 2009.

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