Online VAT – Don’t Delay


With VAT returns having to be done online for most businesses from next month, we thought we'd share some practical tips on the registration process.
  1. The 'Government Gateway' system has some bugs, so it is easier to use the website: 'VAT online' is at the bottom of the left hand navigation
  2. When asked for your last VAT payment, they may not mean the last one, they may mean the one before that – have both figures to hand just in case
  3. When asked for shared secrets (!) they really do mean that your first school, last school and memorable place have to have numbers in them.
  4. They advise setting up the direct debit well in advance, because they can take a week to set up, which may mean if you leave it until doing the return, your payment is late
  5. If you bank with Lloyds, you will need to insert a 0 before your account number when completing the online direct debit form.

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