Asbestos-related illnesses commonly develop many years after the exposure that caused them. In a case that illustrates how this can be reflected in settlements of claims, a man who developed symptoms related to asbestos secured provisional damages, reserving the right to seek additional compensation in the event that his health deteriorated further.
The man had worked as an apprentice and subsequently as a joiner at locations around the UK in the 1960s and 1970s. His work involved sawing asbestos sheets, exposing him to significant amounts of asbestos dust and fibres.
In around 2015 he noticed that he felt breathless when walking long distances. He underwent lung function tests and was told that he had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. He later experienced further symptoms and was diagnosed with asbestosis.
After taking legal advice, he secured provisional compensation for his injuries. Although he has since died of unrelated causes, the settlement meant that he would have had the right to claim further compensation if his asbestosis had worsened significantly or if he had developed a further asbestos-related disease such as mesothelioma.