Psychoactive Substances Act Now in Force


The Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, which received Royal Assent on 28 January 2016, came into force on 26 May 2016.

The Act makes it an offence to produce, supply or offer to supply, import or export any psychoactive substance if it is likely to be consumed for its mind-altering properties. There is a list of exemptions, which includes legal substances that are in everyday use, such as nicotine, coffee and alcohol, and medicines, which are regulated elsewhere.

The substances targeted by the Act have frequently been referred to as 'legal highs' and usually contain one or more chemical substances which, when consumed, imitate the effects of illegal drugs that continue to be controlled by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. They often contain ingredients that have not been tested on humans and so their effects are hard to predict. The drugs have three main effects – as stimulants, sedatives or hallucinogens.

Possession of a psychoactive substance is not in itself an offence, except where it occurs within a 'custodial institution' – i.e. a prison, young offender institution, remand or removal centre etc.

Employers who do not already do so are advised to include the use of psychoactive substances in workplace drug and alcohol policies. As screening for their use can be difficult, however, focusing on the effects of such mind-altering substances on employees' behaviour and ability to work, rather than on the drugs themselves, is recommended.

If you would like assistance with drawing up a drug and alcohol policy designed to meet the needs of your company, we can help.

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