Tenant Services Authority Outlines Future Plans


The independent regulator for social housing, the Tenant Services Authority (TSA), has published its proposals for the next three years and set out its vision for achievements in social housing. It is proposing changes that will affect social landlords significantly.
The TSA's main aims are:
  • to create more fairness for tenants;
  • to regulate effectively; and
  • to protect the taxpaying public.

The emphasis is on achieving objectives rather than focusing on the process by which to achieve them.

More specifically, the TSA’s aims for 2010 – 2011 are to help those landlords facing the biggest issues in terms of service delivery, such as gas and fire safety, repairs and maintenance and customer care overall. There is also a focus on reducing bureaucracy in the areas in which it will have the biggest direct impact. The TSA will also be working with landlords who do not involve their tenants in improvement and maintenance standards, and encouraging them to implement action plans to do so. It will encourage landlords to work with local authorities to improve neighbourhoods and reduce anti-social behaviour. Landlords who fail to behave fairly towards their tenants will have action taken against them by the TSA.
By April 2011, landlords are expected to have set out how they are either meeting or exceeding the ‘Decent Homes Standard’ and, if they have not yet met it, to have produced a plan showing how they intend to do so in consultation and agreement with their tenants. Landlords must also set out by this date the means by which they will deal with anti-social behaviour. Looking to future regulation, the TSA will also regulate housing association rents, as set out in a direction to be given by the Secretary of State later this year, and will take action against providers who are non-compliant.
The vision for 2013 is to focus on maximising tenant satisfaction overall in terms of the services they receive.
The draft corporate plan for 2010-2013 can be downloaded from the TSA website. The TSA is inviting views on the plan until 30 April. The final plan will be published in May 2010.
For advice on how the proposals will affect you, contact us.

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