The World Cup starts on Friday…so employers need to be ready!
If you have not already have policies in place to deal with any issues likely to arise (and that employees fully understand them) there is no time to waste. You are not obliged to make adjustments to cater for employees’ who wish to watch the games. However, you may think it a good idea to do so.
Whatever you decide to do, it is important to make sure staff fully understand your policy regarding notice for taking annual leave in order to watch a game and that you communicate what disciplinary action will be taken in the event of unauthorised absences. Matches will also be available on the Internet, so how you are going to deal with that particular problem also needs thought.
To avoid a claim for discrimination, you should make sure that any flexible working arrangements adopted do not discriminate against staff who support teams other than England. Racist comments or conduct cannot be allowed. Nor should any arrangements made have an adverse effect on workers who have no interest in football.
If you have not yet made preparations to manage any World Cup related issues, useful guidance can be found on the website of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service .