Historic Steam Crane Can Stay on Greenfield Site, High Court Rules

In a country as populous as Britain the planning system is inevitably all about striking a balance between competing needs, desires and points of view. A High Court case on point concerned a building erected in the open countryside in order to provide safe storage for a heritage asset –…

Equality and Diversity Training Needs Regular Refreshment to Be Effective

The provision of workplace equality and diversity training can afford employers a powerful defence in employment proceedings. As one case showed, however, such training is wont to become stale in employees’ minds over time and is unlikely to be viewed as effective unless regularly refreshed. The case concerned a senior…

High Court Acts to Break Hostile Impasse Affecting Family Trust

Many long-established and prosperous businesses are held in trust for the benefit of current and future generations of families that created them. As a High Court case showed, however, the many advantages of such ownership models ultimately depend on continuing good personal relations between trustees. The case concerned a trust…