Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Our newsletters take ages to write and take a huge amount of fee-earner time: what can we do about that?
A: Don’t get the fee-earners to write them. We’ll do it for you, professionally and for a fraction of the cost.

Q: If the marketing department writes them, we still have to check them thoroughly, which takes ages. What can we do about that?
A: We can help here as well and work with your marketing team in the provision of ready-to-use news content.

Q: But how do you make content produced by professionals lively and interesting?
A: We have many years of experience in this. Our news content is edited by experienced professional writers who know how to make it interesting to the reader and to express complex ideas in straightforward English. They have a good understanding of the news content and are able to retain the sense of it whilst still making it readable by your clients. If needed, we or you can add a marketing message where possible to try and provoke your audience to seek instruction from your firm.

Q: Wouldn’t that cost a lot?
A: To do as a ‘one off’ it would. However,  because we produce similar material for dozens of firms, we can produce the content you need to be more successful, almost certainly for less than it would cost you to do yourself. Our average client pays considerably less than £10 per article (a ‘bespoke’ rate for similar material would normally be between £250 and £450).

Q: Does this mean our competitors will be sending out the same things we are?
A: No, because the number of firms allowed to buy our material is limited with reference to their geographic location. If we see an area getting ‘full’ we stop supplying to it. In the case of ready-to-
print newsletters, material can be exclusive in your area.

Q: How technically accurate is your news content?
A: Our material is produced by people with relevant expertise, mainly with long experience in professional practice and reporting upon legal matters. It is then checked for accuracy and rewritten as needed by our editorial staff. Content may be supplied with partners’ notes.

Q: Can we use it elsewhere?
A: Subscribers to our content services can republish content for their own purposes as and when they like, provided it is not re-sold or resupplied to anyone else. We are happy to discuss other arrangements if required. The ready-to-print material can only be distributed in printed form or on your website. You can use it as magazine articles, web content, seminar support material, newsletters and so on. See our terms of trade for more detail.

Q: How do you know what to write about?
A: We keep up to date with legal news and developments and are constantly looking for those that will be most interesting for, and have the most impact on, commercial and private clients. New and interesting points of law are not necessarily of immediate interest for clients, and so we choose those that are and which are likely to lead to instructions for your firm. As well as the various court and media sources, we take over 40 legal magazines and newsletters each month (and receive dozens of e-newsletters) and sift through all this information to find interesting material, ‘need to know content’ and items which have good marketing ‘hooks’ for law firms.

Q: What qualifications do you have?
A: We source content from court reporters, legal journalists, and practising lawyers and people with relevant marketing experience in the legal sector. Our content writers and editors are highly qualified individuals with many years’ experience in the legal sector. Not only are the writers and editors experienced in law but they are also well practised at marketing to law firms’ clients.

Q. What about the financial risk?
A: We are completely confident in the quality of our material. As a result, we are happy to offer a trial period for you to get a real feel of the system and the content.

Q. What about exclusivity?
A: Some of our products are postcode exclusive. Our content services are normally not, but we stop supplying when we see there is a danger of over exposure. We will consider exclusivity arrangements – please contact us.

We know that when we write for our clients, we carry their brand in our hands. Our material is widely recognised as being of excellent quality: our longevity in the market and client list speak for themselves.

If you are interested in further information or would like to discuss our services, then visit our contact us page.