
Escrow Accounts – Neutral Law Firm Caught in $325 Million Dilemma

One of the many valuable services provided by solicitors is to hold funds securely in neutral escrow accounts pending resolution of disputes. However, performing that role is not without risk and, in one case, a respected law firm found itself on the horns of a $325 million dilemma through no…

Woman Injured During Traumatic Birth Receives £1.5 Million Compensation

Traumatic births can leave babies with life-changing physical injuries, but specialist lawyers are thankfully there to ensure that they receive fair compensation. In a case on point, a woman whose difficult delivery left her with little use of her left arm received seven-figure damages from the NHS. During her delivery,…

Major Mixed-Use Development Passes High Court Test

Proposals for a major mixed-use development on the site of a vacant business park received the High Court’s blessing despite a town council’s arguments that it would result in an unacceptable loss of employment land. The 4.2-hectare park consisted of a vacant warehouse and a two-storey office block. A developer…

Taking On Staff? Doing So Prematurely Can Have Serious Consequences

Taking on staff is often a necessary precursor to setting up a new business. As an Employment Tribunal (ET) decision showed, however, entering into any form of binding employment relationship is a serious step and doing so prematurely can have grave financial consequences. The case concerned an entrepreneur who set…

Never Personally Guarantee a Corporate Loan Without Legal Advice

Providing personal guarantees as security for corporate loans is for many businesspeople simply a price that has to be paid to achieve commercial success. As a High Court case showed, however, signing such a document is a momentous step that should never be ventured without first taking professional advice. The…

High Court Aids Record Industry to Stamp Out Stream Ripping

The internet brings many benefits, but the widespread provision of software used in wholesale copyright infringement is decidedly not one of them. The High Court powerfully made that point in assisting record companies to stamp out the latest manifestation of such abuse – a process known as stream ripping. On…

Competition Between Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining Rights

Healthy competition between trade unions gives their members a choice and guards against complacency – but to what extent should such rivalries be reflected in the collective bargaining regime? The Court of Appeal addressed that issue in an important test case. The case concerned a relatively small union (the insurgent…